Monday, December 17, 2012

Winter time

Hey guys,

lately there was a lot of stuff going in college, and by that I mean just writting and handing in essays!
That time of the year is now finally over, and I can start preparing myself for the wonderful Christmas atmospehere.
First step was to get myself home, which I did last Friday. I am so happy to be back in Slovakia, even though I can imagine the weather a little bit better. I already saw some snow, however it started raining and most of it melted.... :( Nevertheless it might still snow, and we might still have beautiful white Christmas.

Here are just a few winter quick pics :)

Kristina ❤

Christmas lights on Grafton Street in Dublin

Getting my cards ready

Warm winter PJs

Early Xmas pressie- handmade winter hat <3

Re-united with Rocky, back home


  1. Happy Christmas Kristina, y Vero para tí feliz Navidad!!

  2. great pictures! yes Christmas is the first sign that the semester is ending!

    xo Jessica
