Monday, November 26, 2012

Christmas fairy tales

Hey guys,

Christmas is getting closer and closer, and I'm getting more and more excited not only about the holidays but also the fact that I'll get to meet all my family and friends back home!
Over the past years I got used to admiring the Christmas decorations and lights all over the city, but being here in Dublin, I also got used to admiring the beautiful shop windows with extravagantly amazing and beautiful decorations.
This year however I feel like it's not enough....I wish I could go to London , Paris or New York to see the amazing designer fairy tale special collections of windows.
I probably won't get to see them myself, but that's why we have Internet :D
I love Xmas and fairy tales, and this seems to be the best possible combination for this year!!

Enjoy the pics!





  1. Just in love!
    Have a nice day sweetie!


  2. Wow! These are amazingly beautiful!!!!
